
Himalayan Black Bear

Himalayan Black Bear (Selenarctos thibetanus), as the name suggests, is black in color with a V-shaped breast-mark .The ability to balance proficiently on hind feet its hind feet is its greatest asset but humans have exploited it for amusement.

It is a good climber and works hard to get honey from bee combs. Pears, apricots, berries, corn, insects, termites and larvae of beetles complete its diet. It is known to kill goats and cattle, and even humans. Body length is around 130 to 190 cm, weight in males is 100 to 200 kg and in females, it is 50 to 125 kg.

It mates from June to July and gives birth during January and February. Females give birth to one to four cubs, which are born blind.

It can be spotted in the Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary, Sikkim.

Updated on 20th February, 2025


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