Founded in 1999 at Chetput,
Chennai, the National Institute of Epidemiology is a prominent research and education center in the field of epidemiology in India. It undertakes researches in interventional studies, disease modeling, evaluation of health schemes and disease control programs, issues of statistical methodology, epidemiological investigations and clinical trials of traditional remedies. The institute is recognized by the
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram for its Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) degree and also approved by the
University of Madras for research leading to Ph D degree in the areas of epidemiology and bio-statistics. Training programs are organized annually in bio-statistics, controlled clinical trials and basic epidemiology for medical doctors, PG medical students and para-medical workers. There is a well equipped laboratory to support biochemical and microbiological investigations.
Nearest airport: Chennai International Airport.