Naachiyaar Koyil is located at
Tirunaraiyur in
Cuddalore District. The place is 16 km from Chidambaram. It is a
Vishnu temple situated close to the Naraiyur Sidheeswaram Paadal petra stalam. The temple deity is Tirunaraiyur Nambi, also known as Sreenivasar, along with his consort Vanchulavalli Taayaar. Traditional stories tell that Lord Vishnu wedded
Lakshmi Devi at this place. The temple has five
prakarams with several mandapams containing carved pillars. It also has a garbagriha known by the name Sreenivasa Vimanam. Inscriptions from the 13th century are found in the temple premises. There are separate shrines to Kal Garudan, Yoga Narasimhar, Veera Hanuman, Ramar and Chkrapani. The main festival is the Margazhi Bhrammotsavam. Other festivals are Pankuni Bhramotsavam, Vasantotsavam and Krishna Jayanthi.