Jerusalem Retreat Centre, established in 1995 by Mar Joseph Kundukulam, aims at functioning as a great source of divine power for the suffering humanity for spiritual purification, healing and sanctification. Under the administrative jurisdiction of the CMI Devamatha Provincial House, the center is situated at Thalore in
Thrissur District.
Jerusalem Retreat Centre conducts spiritual purification retreats and camps regularly. The holistic services such as intercessory prayers, holy word, confession, sacraments, holy masses, rosary candle light processions and night-vigil prayer sessions, and periodic house visits are organized. Annual Charismatic Convention is a four-day long gathering held yearly at the center.
A residential retreat center, the Jerusalem Santhi Gramam (for housing sick and bedridden), and the Jerusalem Bible Gramam (for Children below 3 1/2 years) are function under this center.