Bhava in
Sanskrit means a field of action. As per astrology, Bhava is house which is described in terms of man's physical surroundings as well as personal life experiences.
The astrological chart or chart wheel of a person is a 360 degree circle divided into 12 bhavas or houses of 30 degrees each. Each bhava in this life circle defines different areas of life. As the Grahas (planets) move through your chart and at where they end up affect those parts of your life.
The twelve bhavas include Thanu Bhava, Dhana Bhava, Sahaja Bhava, Sukha Bhava, Putra Bhava, Satru Bhava, Jaya Bhava, Mrityu Bhava, Bhagya Bhava, Karma Bhava, Ayaya Bhava and Vyaya Bhava.