India | Tamil Nadu | Attur

Attur Fort

Attur Fort lies on the banks of River Vasishta. Located at Attur, it was built by Gatti Muthaliar, a local Chieftain, between 1559 and 1585.

A square shaped fort, it has batteries and bastions in the angles and sides. The south side of the fort is guarded by the river and the other sides are protected by a ditch. There are three large and one small bombproof chamber inside the fort. A large vaulted chamber is said to have been the Kacheri (administrative block) of Gatti Mudaliyar.

Another large building with an inner court was used as his harem and dwelling place. Gatti Mudaliyar's pleasure house is sited on the south face of the ramparts. A water gate is also seen in the vicinity. The fort gate is in the center of the eastern face.

The fort houses the temples of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu and a shrine of Muniyappan, the guardian of the fort.

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Salem
Location: Attur    

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