Sagar District is located in the north central region of
Madhya Pradesh. 'Sagar' means ocean and town
Sagar is also known by that name because of the huge lake situated in the heart of the city. The
Sagar Fort is located on the bank of this lake. Sagar was founded by Udan Shah in 1660. It spreads over an area of 10,252 sq km. The common language is
Wheat crop is the agricultural staple. Other crops are gram, linseed and jowar. Sandstone, limestone, and iron-ore are the main minerals.
Noradehi wildlife Sanctuary is the prime attraction. Some of the other tourist locations are Bina, Khurai, Nainagiri, Rahatgarh, Rehli, Garhakota, Khimlasa, Abchand, Deori and Banda.
The people of Sagar possess a rich heritage of songs and dance. The most popular folk-dances are baredi, moni, saira and dhimaryai.