India | Kerala | Malayattoor

Malayattoor Kurishumudi

Malayattoor Kurishumudi is a sacred place located at the top of Malayattoor hill in Ernakulam District, Kerala. It is at a height of 1269 ft above sea level. As signified by its name, the place is famous for the Golden Cross that is said to have appeared as St Thomas prayed there. Marthoma Mandapam and Sannidhi are also in the vicinity.

By road, Malayattoor can be approached from Kochi, which is about 47 km away. Malayattoor is about 10 km to the north-east of Kaladi. The nearest railway station is at Angamaly and Cochin International Airport is the nearest airport.

Updated on 5th September, 2005
District: Ernakulam
Location: Malayattoor    


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