Perumathura is a small village located in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. The village is bounded in the east by the Kadinamkulam Kayal, in the west by the Arabian Sea and in the north by the Muthala Pozhi. Perumathura is about 29 km north of Thiruvananthapuram .
The village got its name from the late king Cheraman Perumal. The word 'Perumathura' means 'the residence of Perumal'. It is said that King Cheraman converted to Islam during his stay at this place.
Major points of interest here are the golden sand beaches, the backwaters, the traditional way of ladies spinning coir, the coconut groves, snake boats and Kettuvalloms. Kottaramthuruthu, Cheramanthuruthu and Madanvila constitute interesting excursions.