India | Kerala


God's Own Country

The State of Kerala was formed in 1956 from the former states of Travancore, Malabar and Cochin, to be the homeland of the Malayalam language. The name 'Kerala' means 'land of coconuts', which are found in abundance in the State. The tropical climate of Kerala favours tropical crops such as rubber. The Malabar Coast has been famous for spices since antiquity.

Kerala boasts India's highest rate of literacy and longest life expectancy. It also is the most diverse State, in terms of religion. For every ten people, approximately six are Hindu, two are Muslim and two are Christian. The capital is Thiruvananthapuram at the southern end of the state. The other major cities are Kochi (formerly Cochin) and Kozhikode (formerly Calicut).

Updated on 13th March, 2025

Academies and Training Institutions (5) Gods and Goddesses (5) Plants and Crops (1)
Airports (2) Guest Houses (8) Ports (2)
Alternative Medicine (6) Handicrafts (4) Post Offices (42)
Apartments (1) Hill Stations (10) Professionals (2)
Architecture (5) Hills and Mountains (11) Public Establishments (8)
Artists (12) Historical and Political Personalities (22) Regions (2)
Artworks (2) Historical Monuments (8) Rehabilitation Centers (1)
Ayurvedic Centers (7) Hospitals and Medical Centers (5) Religion and Philosophy (1)
Banks (2) Hotels (136) Religious Personalities (5)
Bars and Pubs (1) Houseboats (7) Residential and Commercial Areas (1)
Beaches (31) Indian Words and Phrases (58) Resorts (72)
Birds (2) Inns (5) Rivers (33)
Books and Authors (32) Islands (6) Roads and Streets (45)
Bus Stations (16) Jewelers (2) Rocks and Caves (6)
Butterflies (1) Lakes and Glaciers (7) Sacred Places (6)
Chinese and Japanese Restaurants (1) Languages and Dialects (1) Schools (3)
Churches (5) Martial Arts (2) Ships and Cruises (2)
Cities and Towns (208) Minerals and Matter (1) Shopping (3)
Clubs (8) Miscellaneous (21) South Indian Restaurants (1)
Colleges and Research Institutions (10) Miscellaneous History (5) Spiritual Centers (3)
Costumes and Ornaments (8) Mosques (1) Springs (1)
Cottages (8) Multi Cuisine Restaurants (10) Stadiums (3)
Cuisines (1) Museums and Archives (1) Temples (20)
Cultural Events (1) Music (15) Tourism Development Corporation (3)
Dams and Reservoirs (15) Musical Instruments (54) Tourist Destinations (11)
Districts (14) Mythological Personalities (4) Traditional Sports (14)
Dynasties (1) North Indian Restaurants (1) Trains and Railway Stations (232)
Ethnic Groups (31) Observances (35) Universities (8)
Ethnic Products (5) Organizations (4) Vegetarian Restaurants (1)
Events (1) Paintings (1) Villages (14)
Fairs and Festivals (40) Palaces (9) Visitors Information (1)
Food and Drink (56) Parks and Gardens (6) Waterfalls (14)
Forts (6) Performing Arts (106) Wildlife Sanctuaries (26)
Galleries (1) Pilgrimages (2)


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