India | Kerala

Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi

Abdul Khader Moulavi, popularly known as Vakkom Moulavi, was a towering personality in the fields of social reform, journalism, religious thinking and literature. He was born at Vakkom village near Chirayinkeezhu in 1873. He began his literary career in the Malayalam journal Swadeshabhimani in 1905, in which he aimed for the all-round awakening of the people of Kerala. Along with his editor, Sri Ramakrishna Pillai, Moulavi started the struggle for the rights of the people of the land. When the publication of the journal came to an end with the confiscation of Swadeshabhimani Press and the exiling of the editor, he continued his activities through other publications and books, sacrificing his entire wealth in the process.

Moulavi also took great effort in strengthening unity among Muslims. He was very active in the formation of Chirayinkeezhu Taluk Muslim Samajam and Travancore Muslim Maha Jana Sabha. Under his guidance, several Madrassas and schools were also established.

Moulavi penned several books. Among these Daussabah and Islam Matha Sidantha Samgraham are his original works, while Imam Ghazali’s Keemiya-e- Saadat, Ahlu Sunnathuwal Jammath, Islamic Sandesam are his translations. This visionary social reformer, scholar and fearless journalist breathed his last in November 1932.

A charitable trust, Vakkom Moulavi Foundation Trust was established in his honor for the invaluable services that he had given to the community for securing democratic rights and social justice for all people.

Updated on 19th February, 2025


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