India | Andhra Pradesh

Tappeta Gullu

Tappeta Gullu, a folk dance, is performed to appease the Rain Goddess named Gangamma. The sacred pot or ‘ghatam’ is taken in procession by a man around the village and the Tappeta Gullu performers follow him by dancing and singing in praise of Gangamma. Usually performed by the men folk, the dance exists in the three north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh - Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam.

Formerly, Tappeta Gullu was performed by cowherds and shepherds. In due course, it developed into a major festival and processional dance form. Tappeta Gullu is performed during village festivals and family rituals with a group of about 15 to 30 dancers. The artists are seen with drums around their necks. The continuing beats of the drum together with the tinkling music of the bells attract everyone. The themes revolve around the narratives from the Bhagvatham and Ramayana.

Updated on 28th December, 2023


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